UII Management Study Program

Welcoming speech from the Head of Study Program

Abdur Rafik, SE., M.Sc., CSA

Abdur Rafik, SE, M.Sc., CSA

Head of the Undergraduate Management Study Program

Assalamu’alaikum, Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Welcome to the Undergraduate Management Study Program Page of the Faculty of Business and Economics, Universitas Islam Indonesia (FBE UII). The page is intended to provide information about various matters relating to the education service system of the Undergraduate Study Programs, including profiles of study programs, graduate profiles, infrastructure and facilities, curriculum, partnership, and other relevant information.

To begin, the Undergraduate Study Programs have two schemes (programs), namely regular programs and international programs. The regular programs have been in operation since 1966 and international program initiation began in 1996, which was the first international program (pioneer) in Indonesia. In international programs, English is the main language of instruction. These programs consist of local or domestic students and foreign students from various countries. They attend these programs with either full-degree or short-program schemes such as student exchange and so on.

We are continuously building the specific advantage of the Undergraduate Study Program and explain the detailed information on this page (Undergraduate Program). To generate the best graduates who excel in their respective fields, we focus on learning excellence with an emphasis on Islamic values, openness, sincerity, collaboration, creativity, and innovation. We build“a tradition for excellent learning and caring”.

We hope that this page can provide comprehensive information regarding the Undergraduate Management Study Program. Feel free to contact us via any available channels if the information you are looking for cannot be found here. Thank you for your attention and visit.

Wassalamu’alaikum, Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.