UII Management Study Program

Study Program Accreditation

Management Study Program Accreditation

The certificate can be downloaded here
Other Accreditation Certificates
Institutional Accreditation
  1. Download UII Institutional Accreditation Certificate before 2008
  2. Download UII Institutional Accreditation Certificate 2008-2013
  3. Download UII Institutional Accreditation Certificate 2013-2018
  4. Download UII Institutional Accreditation Certificate 2017-2022
  5. Download UII Institutional Accreditation Certificate 2021-2022
  6. Download UII Institutional Accreditation Certificate 2022-2027

Accreditation Legalization Application Procedure

  1. Application for legalization of UII Institutional accreditation is carried out if there is no QR Code on the accreditation.
  2. Submit an order at the service counter at the Directorate of Academic Services (DLA). Students do not need to bring a copy of the institutional accreditation certificate because it is available at DLA.
  3. Pay Rp. 10.000.- (ten thousand rupiah) at the bank counter in the north side of the Rectorate building.
  4. Legalization can be collected at the DLA service counter by showing a proof of payment slip.
  5. Students receive 4 accreditation certificates legalized.

    *NB: If the UII Institution accreditation certificate has a QR Code at the bottom, then the certificate does not need to be legalized because it has been declared legal by BAN-PT.

Study Program Accreditation
  1. Management (199820032008 , 2013201820212023 – LAMEMBA)
  2. Master of Management (201120162021)
  3. Diploma Three – Management(2011 , 2016  20202021)

If you want to legalize your Study Program accreditation certificate, students can apply for it through their respective faculties.

*Legalizing the study program accreditation certificate can be done at each faculty